First Annual - 2001    Navy Pier in Chicago
Page Three


As soon as the cruise was over, we raced to the Show Shoppe to purchase a event Blythe for ourselves.

And yes, there was a line, but Roman owner was 
hand to greet and talk with collectors as they stood
in line.

A look around the showroom to see all the new and exciting angels and collectiles and we were off to the members reception for refreshments and new decorating ideas.

Lovely decorating ideas and a demonstration on how to make them was inspirational. 

We had a wonderful view of the Chicago skyline.

Then we had a sneak preview of what's to come for the membership pieces in 2002. This will be the Symbol of membership piece.


This will be a members only piece for 2001. It does not show well, but there are little animals all around the base.

This will be a members only figurine. There are two squirrels at the base of the well.

More on page 7